Thursday, June 9, 2011

Syllabus in Anthropology 1

Copyright © 2011 by Chester B. Cabalza. All Rights Reserved.

Introduction to Anthropology
MTWThF 5-7PM lecture PH 304
Summer, 2010-2011
Prof. Chester B. Cabalza

I. Course Description

This course aims to provide students with basic knowledge and appreciation of the discipline using anthropological perspectives. The course will give a general survey on the major sub-disciplines of anthropology i.e., biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, archeology, and linguistic anthropology.

The content of this Course involves the study of the following subjects:

- Human Evolution, Primate Evolution, Early Hominids and Their Cultures, The Emergence of Homo Sapiens and their Cultures, Human Variation, The Emergence of Food Production and the Rise of States;

- Cultural Theories and Concepts, Archeology and Pre-history, Language and Culture, Economics and Social Stratification, Sex and Culture, Marriage and Family, Marital Residence and Kinship, Political Organization; and Religion and Magic, Civilizations and Globalization

- To identify explanatory frameworks that could lead to a deeper understanding of the cultural factors affecting current Philippine Culture and Asian Society;

- To enable the student to apply the concepts and ideas on a research problem mutually agreed upon by the student and teacher.

II. Course Objectives

Upon the completion of this Course, a student is expected to have:

- obtained a comprehension of the various theories, concepts and methods in Anthropology;

- acquired an appreciation and understanding of the variance of cultural factors influencing any society’s internal and external environment; and

- gained an insight into the role of Anthropology as discipline of infinite curiosity about human beings.

III. Course Requirements


Long Examination 30%
Class Exercises (Ethnography) 30%
Research Paper 20%
Reports 20%

IV. Course Outline

Week 1 (April 14-15, 2011)

1. Introduction: Scope, Coverage, and Expectations of the Course
2. Assignments:
- Read Part One: Introduction to Anthropology of Ember and Ember
- Read “Anthropology a Science? Statement Deepens a Rift by Nicholas Wade
3. Classroom Policies

A. Students are only allowed up to a maximum of three (3) unexcused absences. Beyond this number, students will be given a grade of DRP if his or her class standing is passing or 5.0 if failing.

B. Those who want to be excused from class must secure a certificate from the U.P Health Service or a letter from his/her Dean explaining the reason for the absence.

C. Students who arrive more than 20 minutes late will be marked absent for the day.

D. Turn off your mobile phones during class hours.

Week 2 (April 18-22, 2011)

1. Lecture on the Development of Anthropology in the Philippines
2. Lecture on Theories in Anthropology and Anthropological Approaches in Writing Ethnographies
3. Assignment:
- Ethnography 1: An Ethnography about the Lenten Season in the Philippines
- Read Part Two: Human Evolution (Biological and Cultural) by Ember and Ember

Week 3 (April 25-29, 2011)

1. Lecture on Evolution and Primate Evolution
2. Lecture on Early Hominids and Their Culture
3. Lecture on Philippine Prehistoric Society and Culture
4. Discussion of Ethnography 1 (Lenten Season)
5. Submission of Abstract of Term Paper
6. Assignment:
- Ethnography 2: An Ethnography on primate behaviors inside zoo
- Distribution of Reports

Week 4 (May 2-6, 2011)

1. Lecture on Cultural Variation
2. Lecture on Language and Culture, Economics and Social Stratification, and Sex and Culture, Medical and Legal Anthropology
3. Assignments:
- Ethnography 3: Baptismal, Marital, and Life Cycle
- Read Chapters on Marriage and Family, Political Organization by Ember and Ember

Week 5 (May 9-13, 2011)

1. Lecture on Marriage and Family and Political Organization
2. Lecture on Marriage in the Philippines (Cultural, Historical and Legal Implications; Actual Cases and Philippine Jurisprudence on Annulment, Declaration of Nullity of Marriage, and Legal Separation)
3. Discussion of Ethnography 3
4. Assignment:
- Ethnography 4: Spiritual Journey to various Religious Sites
- Read the last chapter on Religion and Magic by Ember and Ember

Week 15 (May 16-20, 2011)

1. Lecture on Religion and Magic
2. Lecture on Legal and Actual Cases Related to Religion in the Philippines
3. Discussion of Ethnography 4
4. Integration

May 20, 2011 - Final Examination

May 23, 2011 – Submission of Term Papers

- E N D -

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